Dont say you love me tracklisting


  1. Don't Say You Love Me - Single Mix
  2. Lie To Me

  1. Don't Say You Love Me - Mark Moore & Eon Vox Mix
  2. Don't Say You Love Me - ATOC's Rock 'n' Ravin' Vocal Remix
  3. Breathe - Pete Heller's Phela Club Mix

  1. Don't Say You Love Me - Radio Mix
  2. Don't Say You Love Me - Piney Gir Mix
  3. Don't Say You Love Me - Video

CD Promo
  1. Don't Say You Love Me - Mark Moore & Eon Vox Remix
  2. Don't Say You Love Me - Mark Moore & Eon's Berlin Wall Remix
  3. Don't Say You Love Me - ATOC's Rock 'n' Ravin' Vocal Remix
  4. Don't Say You Love Me - ATOC's Do You Love Me Dub
  5. Breathe - Pete Heller's Phela Club Mix
  6. Don't Say You Love Me - Piney Gir Mix

12" Promo
  1. Don't Say You Love Me - Mark Moore & Eon Vox Remix
  2. Don't Say You Love Me - Mark Moore & Eon's Berlin Wall Remix
  3. Don't Say You Love Me - ATOC's Rock 'n' Ravin' Vocal Remix
  4. Don't Say You Love Me - ATOC's Do You Love Me Dub
guess it’ll not be having such great success breathe had the last weeks. don’t say is missing much of the charisma breathe owns. in my opinion.

[] (Email) (URL) - 07 February '05 - 13:26

Dont Say You Love Me will definately be in the top 5, just like Breathe was! If only Mute would advertise Nightbird and the new singles, it would be a top seller with the quality of the whole album! My personal favorite is Lets Take One More Rocket To The Moon which I heard for the first time at the EIS04 party in Leicester and have loved it ever since. Can’t wait for the concerts to start!!! :)

Phil - 24 February '05 - 22:30

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