Nightbird and Breathe delayed

 official : The release dates of both Nightbird and Breathe have unfortunately been pushed back to January 2005.

If the original release date of October 2004 was adhered to, it was felt that the band would not be able to give the album and single the promotion it deserves. This it due to the unavailability of Vince during the next couple of months as well as Andy recuperating from a recent hip operation.

By pushing back the release date, it enables both Mute and the band to give Nightbird and Breathe the full promotional support that these new releases deserve, as well as enabling it to be backed up by a tour shortly afterwards. (Further tour details to be announced at a later date).

However there will still be an exciting release to look forward to this year - again further details to be announced shortly.

For those attending the EIS '04 album launch party on the 7th August, this event remains completely unaffected by todays announcement. (© eis) |
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